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20 results

The Legislative Assembly has passed the Registration of Environmental Impact Assessment Consultant’s Regulations 2021 ensuring

The third round of online regional training on enhancing knowledge and understanding of key E&S professionals and practitioners on best practices for managing risks and impacts associated with an effective EIA process as well as meeting the requirements of environmental and social safeguards

The purpose of this guideline is to identify matters which are relevant to the environmental impact assessment of bitumen works.

This document contains the main outputs of Component 2 of the FAO project “Towards sustainable aquaculture: selected issues and guidelines”.

The Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) (the government) has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide support through technical assistance (TA 9428- PNG) to prepare a standalone project to finance investments through Power Sector Development Project (PSDP) in PNG.

Queen Salote International Wharf (QSIW) is International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) compliant and the United States Coast Guard undertake a yearly audit of the facility.

The Solomon Islands Government takes responsibility to maintain, improve, rehabilitate, reconstruct and/or construct new infrastructure.

Historically, Tonga has almost exclusively relied on the import of diesel for generating its electricity needs. An estimated 14 million liters of diesel are consumed each year to generate over 89% of the grid-supplied electricity.