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Federated States of Micronesia: Chuuk Water Supply and Sanitation Project (EIA Report)

The Project. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and FSM Government (the Government) have established the Chuuk Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project (CWSSP). The Project aims to improve access to safe water and improved sanitation in urban and peri-urban areas by secure and safe urban water supplies; effective, efficient and safe urban services; and the financial and technical sustainability of CPUC, the state-owned enterprise responsible for the management and development of urban water resources and sewerage services in Chuuk.

Safeguard Policies. This IEE was conducted in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS), and the requirements of the Chuuk Environmental Act (1994), Environment Regulations (2008) and Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines (2010). The Project is deemed Category B for environment per ADB’s environmental screening because physical impacts are involved, with site specific, manageable impacts related to the construction phase and can be readily mitigated and/or managed. This proposed project, is screened as a Category B project under ADB’s social safeguards policy as it requires a resettlement plan that addresses involuntary resettlement impacts which are not deemed significant.

Outcomes. The IEE found no significant negative social or environmental impacts or risks that could not be mitigated. It was determined that a full environmental impact assessment was not warranted. Since the detailed assessment has been completed, the IEE will serve as the Project’s final social and environmental assessment.